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In Love and Song (ILAS) is a nonprofit established in 2023 to provide resources for brain tumor patients and survivors. Our emphasis is on inclusive events and providing education for patients and those affected by a brain tumor diagnosis. ILAS values the lived experience of those in the brain tumor community – from patients receiving treatments to caregivers doing their best to tend to their loved ones, to nurses and medical staff fighting for their patients, to children dealing with the complicated emotions of having a sick family member, pediatric or otherwise – and strives to create a space for all to be heard so those that follow will find a community of support, kindness, and understanding. ILAS is run solely by volunteer staff who rely on the generosity of donations and grants to keep all programs and events low to no cost for participants.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift – that's why it's call the present.

Bil Keane, The Family Circus

Our Mission

Our Mission

In Love and Song strives to provide a community space for brain tumor patients and survivors, their families, caregivers, and medical professionals.

Brain Scans
Group Hug

Our Vision

To provide community stronger than any brain tumor

We Need Your Support Today!

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